- Speech/behavioral intervention programme. We have participated in numerous trainings as well as training of staff in the area of speech/ behavioral modification for children with autism.
- Annual free medical consultation/ treatment/drugs to indigent Nigerians.
- We stock and supply world class biomedical supplements available to parents and ASD patients at subsidized prices by registering with one of the best laboratory in USA that produces gluten free, casein free supplements for these children.
- We have collaboration and support from NAFDAC in the importation of gluten free, casein free supplement / food substitute for children with autism.
- We have a full professional staff faculty i.e. psychologist, specialized nutritionist, special education teachers that are able to handle these children on intensive therapy sessions.
- We offer primary/lifelong care training for parents, medical professionals, schools and individuals in treating and supporting children with autism.
- We offer web based and telemedicine consultation for parents who do not reside within our domain.
- We also offer free in house dietary intervention consultation and advisory for parents with ASD children.
- Provision of free /subsidized supplements and therapy for those who are not able to afford treatments especially if sponsored by organizations.
- Word class biomedical diagnostic investigations for children with Autism. We are registered with Laboratories that care for children with special needs especially children in the autistic spectrum disorders. Since there is no laboratory in Nigeria that runs the basic test for autistic children ,OLG made sure that all the necessary laboratory intervention these children need are accessible via collaboration with Doctors data and Genova Diagnostics in USA , with DHL being the transport medium.
- In order to seamlessly share knowledge OLG and her Medical Director is involved in several support groups
Defeatautisminnigeria yahoogroup.com – This is the first parent/professionals support group online in Nigeria founded by OLG, equipped with information for children with ASD, others are:
EnzymesandAutism yahoogroups.com, GFCFreceipes yahoogroup.com, Feingold-Program4us yahoogroup.com, VerbalBehaviour yahoogroup.com, Autism-Mercury yahoogroup.com, Sulfurstories yahoogroup.com, www.medigenesis.com
- OLG holds free monthly parent/professional support group ( Interactive/ training sections)every 3rd Saturday of every month from 9 am till 12 noon
OLG belongs to the following associations- The National Autistic Society, UK; Autism Society of America, National society of Autism Nigeria and Autism Research Institute
- We have been working in collaboration with the following groups /individual to ensure that adequate services are provided to our client.
Dr Sidney Baker, Co Founder of Defeat Autism in Now. (DAN) USA
Dr Janelle Love (DAN) www.autismbusters.com
Tony Balaz, Msc, BCBA, consulting Behavioral Analyst for The Simon Center in London, UK
Kate Neil MSc, Director for Center for Nutrition Education & Life Style Management. (CNELM),
MOST IMPORTANTLY, We believe that every child is a gift from God and should be allowed to reach His/ Her potentials. We love our children and we do our best, within our capabilities to help as much as possible.
Partner with us, collaborate with us in any possible both financially, via the media, your services in making sure that these children get the best they deserve.